2020 Wing Chun training comeback

Welcome back to training for 2020.

All classes are back and running.

Wing Chun Bing Fa Kung Fu Academy is open 6 days a week.

Train at a time suitable to you.
Beginners may train any of the classes.

Can’t make it to any of the classes? We offer Private Lessons.

See our timetable to view class times.

Note: The children’s classes are by booking only Monday to Thursday for 4:10pm classes. Text Sifu 0426509462 before 12pm ‘on the day’ and Sifu will reply confirmation that the class will run.

* You do not need to book in for Saturday 10am classes for children during the school holidays.

Welcome back wing chun practitioners for an amazing 2020!educate yourself. Learn a skill for life.- sifu julian de boers and si mo soPhie archibald

Welcome back wing chun practitioners for an amazing 2020!

educate yourself. Learn a skill for life.

- sifu julian de boers and si mo soPhie archibald

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

Safe travels to you if you go away

Classes resume January 6th 2020!

Children’s classes during the week are by booking only over all school holidays.

Please text Sifu 0426 509 462 in the morning to book your child in for class.

You will receive a response to confirm the class will run

Monday January 6th -Thursday January 9th

Blast Back Warrior Week 2020!!

9am -11am at Exhibition Gardens (at the Academy if raining).

Happy and safe holidays to you all.

Si Mo, Sifu and family!!


Blast Back Warrior Training 2020

Begin your 2020 with Morning Park Training


Sifu Julian de Boers

Day 1. Monday 6th: Leg Blocks and Kicks.

Develop your intercepting skills, forward pressure, learn to recognise openings and

Kick if there is an opening. Use your footwork going forward and

defend the leg with a leg.

Day 2. Tuesday 7th: Elbows and knees (close quarter combat).

Close Quarters

This relates to when you and your opponent are too close for full range of motion and punches can be smothered. Techniques such as elbows, head butts, grappling, biting and gauging can be used at this stage.

Day 3. Wednesday 8th: Chi Sao. Sticky hands for combat.

The Wing Chun practitioner develops reflexes within the searching of unsecured defences through use of sensitivity.

Day 4. Thursday 9th :   Arm bars locks and sweeps.

Joint manipulation can allow a weaker person with the right training to control a stronger one.


1 day $60.00

2 days 85.00

3 days $110.00

4 days $160.00

*Students are to wear full school uniform.

What to bring: Hat, sunscreen, fly/mosquito repellent, protective wear e.g shin guards.

Please meet Sifu at Level 1/1 Lygon st (the kwoon) at 8:30am Monday to walk to the location at Exhibition Gardens, please let Sifu know if you will meet at the Gardens.

Chi Gerk (sticking legs) Seminar

Improve your Leg blocks, kick defence and Offensive and Defensive skills.

1. Break the opponent’s balance and stick to him/her so that they can not attack, attack the opponent with all free limbs.

2. Develop balance and strength in the legs.

3. Develop a sense of feeling/ sensitivity in the legs as chi-sao does for the arms.

4. Develop intercepting skills and forward pressure with footwork.

5. Recognising openings and kicking if there is an opening.

6. Defending the leg with a leg.

Date: 07/12/2019                                      Cost: $50.00

Time: 1:00 pm -3:00pm                                      Day: Saturday


Chi sao defensive and offensive Seminar

The Wing Chun practitioner develops reflexes within the searching of unsecured defences through use of sensitivity. Training through Chi Sao with a training partner, one practices the trapping of hands. When an opponent is "trapped", he or she becomes immobile.

Date: 09/11/2019                                     Cost: $50.00

Time: 1:00 pm -3:00pm                                     Day: Saturday
